More Success Stories

Lisa Gathe’s Transformation

We reconnected when I found some of her videos on YouTube last March after my gym shut down because of COVID-19. Then she told me about the group she was creating and the challenges that she was doing. I joined the slider challenge and really enjoyed it and felt that she was helping me be accountable I needed something more than just weight watchers and walking videos.

I was not losing, and I wanted to get stronger and tone my body then she introduced me to her channel, and I love it because you can do the workouts anytime you want I work in the afternoon as a preschool Teacher so it was perfect I also love her daily Facebook live talks she gives me the motivation to get healthy because she is so kind and caring and is always willing to help you with anything that you need.

I saw her the other day to pick up my stuff and she noticed all the changes that my body is making my husband told me the other day that I was looking good, so he is noticing too. I am proud of myself for sticking to the daily workouts and if I miss one, I just do it the next day because sometimes life gets in the way. I recently attended Mary’ Anniversary Live workout at the Grand. We had a ‘Grand’ time! I recommend everyone attend one in person workout with Mary when she holds the in person events; it’s so much fun to see everyone from the MFF Team in person. The love and support I experienced was overwhelming!

Yvi Duffy Transformation
Meghan Russo

Meghan Russo’s Transformation

I am a 42 year old fitness diva (that is what my mom and sisters call me)! I am a runner, dogwalker, weightlifter, yogi and I love to kayak and indoor rock climb when I can. Basically, if it involves moving your body in healthy ways, I’m in! My love of fitness, health and children started when I was in high school and fueled my passion to become a Physical Education teacher. I found Mary in April of 2020 when I could no longer go to my local YMCA to take group exercise classes. I was getting tired of my fitness DVDs and coming up with my own strength training workouts with the equipment I had in our “home gym”. I googled “body pump” on YouTube and there she was, like a ray of sunshine to inspire me once again! Mary Fulton has changed how I feel about working out at home. I love her energy, silliness, singing and the witty banter that she has with all of the other women that come work out with her in the “garage”. Suddenly, I started looking forward to my time with Mary and working out again. Instead of only taking bodypump, body combat and barre classes, I was trying new classes, such as ATC, Core and HIIT and loving them. When Mary started talking about her challenge groups, I was intrigued. I decided to join the Push Up Challenge group for the month of August 2020. I am part of what I call my MF Fitness Family. The community of Mary Fulton followers in these group challenges is positive, uplifting and comes with no judgement, just empowering support! I gradually have noticed changes in my body. I was feeling stronger, more endurance, could lift heavier weights and was more toned. In January 2021, I decided that I needed to stop making wine a part of my daily routine if I really wanted to notice more changes and because I knew it wasn’t a healthy habit. March 2021, in the MF Fuel Your Body Challenge I learned that if I wanted to gain muscle I needed to eat healthy carbs and started to notice I was stronger!

Guimay (Gorgeous G) Smith‘s Transformation

I’m a single mom of 3 boys and a crazy Latina whose growing my eye-lash business and trying to do it all–run a business, manage someone else’s business, run a household, while managing to stay in shape with Mary’s workouts. It’s a lot!

I started my journey with Mary three years ago, thick and out of shape; it took one class with Mary for me to fall in love. I loved her high energy Body Combat, Grit, and morning workouts. When Covid happened I continued to workout to Mary’s fitness videos. People at work were starting to notice and comment on the changes in my body and it motivated me to continue.

Trainers now a days don’t have the same passion for changing peoples’ life the way Mary does. When you’re up front doing a class anyone can say how are you enjoying every minute of each of the workouts, but seeing Mary give her all with tons of energy was my motivation to become stronger and stay committed to my transformation.

It’s the Mary MFF way!

Guimay (Gorgeous G) Smith
Connie Baños

Carmen’s Transformation

I was in pretty good shape before working out with Mary Fulton but wow the definition I see in my muscles i never thought I’d ever see on my body! I’ve never felt more happy about my body or have ever been more healthy. I had a serious eating disorder a few years back and would just run and focus on cardio, I had a bad relationship with food and with the scale. But now I’m fueling my body with the best kinds of food and adding weight lifting into my workouts. Mary you have transformed my life, my mental health and my overall happiness with my body and with food. “In two weeks you’ll feel it, in four weeks you’ll see it, in eight weeks you’ll hear it” thanks for helping me feel beautiful again. Mind,Body,&Soul.

Veronica’s Transformation

On December 2, 2020 I capped off an already tumultuous year by having knee surgery in two places. Two permanent screws keep my leg aligned. I was warned that it would accompany a lot of pain, restricted mobility, and a regimented rehabilitation for the next 6-9 months. Complete recovery would take one full year. Three weeks post-op I was tired of sitting on the couch so I told my husband Todd I needed to workout. We put on Flex (Bodypump) on the Maryfultonfit platform

I used a chair to balance myself and a bench to do single leg pushups. It felt so good just to move again. At this time I refrained from using weights since I was supposed to be at only 20 percent weight bearing. By the end of the first month after surgery, I was doing Mary’s UpperBody Strength workouts sitting down using light weights. At week 5, I increased the weights but still used a chair for support. I was also able to get myself on the ground to do floor exercises. This new position allowed me to start doing core and ab exercises. In January I joined my 10th challenge with Mary Fulton Fit which was coincidentally the Ab Challenge. The timing couldn’t be more perfect for my rehabilitation. I also started physical therapy at this time. Many of the moves that Mary created for us mirrored what they were having me do in PT. My therapists were impressed with how much I was already able to do and I believe the workouts I did before and after my surgery contributed greatly to my advanced progress and recovery. At week 8, I was finally able to remove my leg brace which allowed me to do more of the standing exercise positions and use more weight.

I can’t begin to explain how much Mary Fulton Fit has become a lifeline. Ever since the pandemic hit and the gyms closed in March, Mary’s garage became our virtual gym. She teaches with the same energy and enthusiasm as she did at 24 Hour Fitness where I first started taking her classes 6 years ago.


Monica’s Transformation

I love fitness and nutrition. I grew up playing sports and have always been very active. In high school I played club volleyball and was a competitive swimmer. I graduated and took my love of fitness and health with me into college where I studied nursing and got my NASM personal training certification while completing my bachelor’s degree in nursing. I found Mary in spring of 2020 during the last quarter of my Nurse Practitioner Master’s program when COVID hit and closed the gyms. With my work, school, mom and wife schedule I was lucky to sneak in a once a week trip to 24 hour fitness for a body pump class. My hectic schedule made consistently working out a challenge. Thanks to Mary and her youtube channel I was able to workout on my time. I started with her body pump class and was hooked. She has and amazing energy and passion that radiates during her workouts. She motivates you to push harder, lift heavier and get outside your comfort zone. I was an avid crossfitter prior to the birth of my first son so I instantly fell in love with her Grit Strength and ATC classes. I joined numerous challenges and love being part of the quaranteam. Because of Mary I was able to workout consistently and make myself a priority. I love that Mary stresses taking care of the whole person…mind, body, and soul. From April 2020 to September 2020, I was able to tighten and tone, drop my last 10lbs and get back to my pre wedding weight thanks to Mary’s workouts and inspirational attitude.

Kelsey’s Transformation

I’ve always loved classes taught by Mary back in the gym. But, it didn’t have to end there. In 2020, I have felt the change in myself physically and mentally, and a lot of this is because of the monthly challenges that Mary Fulton started. I started with her last May and have religiously continued the challenges with her ever since. I love the daily motivation from Mary, and her extra energy and support with weekly recipe ideas and motivation/pep talks. She has definitely helped me up the “workout game” this last year. I have always routinely worked out, but now I have even more fun with it and add 15 minutes here or there because of her dedication and encouragement. I even did 5 minute planks and 100 burpees at the end of 2 different months. She got me drinking more water than I ever have, and loving different aspects of my day. These habits and routines are so vital to a healthier lifestyle.

Marcela Kohn's Transformation

Grace’s Transformation

I met “There’s Something About Mary Fulton” on my fitness path in Aug/Sept 2019 at 24Hour Fitness Bodypump! I fell in love with the class…I felt so much stronger each and everytime! She invited me to her bootcamp at 430am or 5am and I went one morning! I worked my butt off, but couldn’t commit to that particular time with single mama duties & caring for mama…but kept going to Bodypump weekly and I think I even took Spin when she subbed LOL 😆 Mary always had a warmth about her and I remember her just asking me one day if I was ok ❤  It felt so wonderful to be seen not just as a member, but she genuinely sensed I was a little off and if felt good to know she cared.

Fast forward to March 2020…and quarantine & MARY FULTON FIT…she has been that light that I’m continuing to follow…she offers a big smile and kind heart…motivation and a fun workout! #mfquaranteam began as challenge to workout 5 times a week during quarantine. It has now blossomed into several challenges! Seven or eight for me now, though I’ve sat out since the passing of my mama. I’ve been on my health journey for a year and a half now and finding Mary when I did has definitely fueled my fire, I feel a genuine connection to our team and we not only have fitness and monthly challenges, but our hearts, minds and soul is fed, too. Find her on IG, FB and YouTube! You will love her!

Mary, thank you for inspiring me to reach my goals and being a genuine human, mentor, friend, instructor and coach! You are AMAZING & BEAUTIFUL inside & out

Kylla’s Transformation

I found Mary Fulton Fit in early summer 2020 on YouTube while looking to change up the BodyPump release I was doing. I scrolled past all sorts of instructors then stopped when I saw one in her garage – that was different, so I clicked. Mary had such great energy; she was encouraging and motivating, and I instantly connected with her. Over the next few months, I went from doing only Pump twice a week to trying Combat, HIIT, Booty Blast, and Barre. In September, I joined the push-up challenge – my very first fitness challenge of ANY sort. The core MFF crew had been together since March but they made me feel so welcome even though I was new and nervous. I’m now well into my 5th challenge and I feel so proud of myself. I’m stronger than I was a year ago – both mentally and physically – and have overcome a lot of fears in the process. I’ve been on board to watch MFF grow and evolve and become something truly amazing – it’s a community, it’s a family, and it’s provided so, so many laughs. I never imagined anything or anyone being able to convince me to work out at home (instead of just watching TV). Now here I am, with a kick-my-butt 5-day workout routine that has become just a part of my life!

Ninja Steph

Ninja Steph’s Transformation

With the support & love from Mary Fulton, I have reached a major goal & lost over 120lbs in my lifetime the old fashioned way… by learning how to love myself! In 2006, I weighed 275 lbs & in 2021, I just reached 155 lbs, which = 7.5 lbs a year over 17 years. No surgeries, no fad diets… just self-love!! I met Mary in 2017, where I was stuck at 175 lbs, she was my favorite gym instructor & her love for all of us was addicting! I was actually on my way to her class when the first California lock down happened in March 2020. I was so thankful for her love & dedication to us during quarantine that I can honestly say that she helped me reach my goals by being the strongest I have ever been in my life including mind, body & soul! If she can help me through love, imagine what Mary can do for all of you!! ❤💪🥰🌞😘✌Join our MFF community. Click link in bio and join our next February Challenge !! I will be joining Mary on Thursday to talk about Heart health!

Join the Mary Fulton Fit Community Today!

Are you ready to become our next success story? Don’t stay on the sidelines any longer! Join our vibrant and inspiring community and embark on a remarkable journey towards a healthier and happier you.

Imagine feeling confident, energized, and proud of the person you see in the mirror. With our recipes, personalized workout routines, and unwavering support, we are here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we will shatter your doubts, smash your goals, and celebrate your success!

All rights reserved. Results may vary. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or using any supplement or meal replacement product. The information here is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. If you experience any pain or difficulty with exercises or diet, stop and consult your healthcare provider.